18 Life-Changing Days on the Peace River
In June 2011, Flow North, in partnership with GeoTourism Canada, led a York boat expedition from Fort Dunvegan to Fort Vermilion, on the mighty Peace River in Northern Alberta. Flow North’s Teresa Griffith was the project manager and Captain of the expedition, leading her capable crew safely down the river. The crew were selected based on:
- strength and endurance
- mental toughness
- ability to work with a team
- willingness to live as a yorkman for the duration of the trip.

And what a crew they were! Each one showed amazing skills, strength and tenacity, along with the all-important positive attitude. They all were hard-working, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking… everything a Yorkman should be!
The crew covered approximately 30 km per day, through wind, rain and snow, roughly following the Paddling the Peace guide that Teresa wrote for GeoTourism Canada’s MySites! pages. GeoTourism Canada is a not-for-profit organization developing theme-based travel guides designed for tourists interested in nature, exploration, new experiences, history and education. GeoTourism Canada’s goal is to create meaningful travel experiences in rural Alberta, for tourists from afar and for those of us here at home.!
The York boat was constructed by North Woods Canoe Company Ltd of Cochrane, Alberta, based on historically accurate plans. It was completed in an amazing three-month timeframe.

The expedition was a huge success, with six school presentations given to approximately 550 students. Countless members of the public came to see the boat and crew at official events at Dunvegan, Strong Creek, Peace River, Notikewin Provincial Park, and Fort Vermilion — and along the river at many other spots.
We had snow, rain, thunderstorms and shallow water. Spoiler alert: no one died!