I have a full-time, demanding but very rewarding job. I work for Nav Canada as a Flight Service Specialist.

Raising Alpacas
We now have 10 alpacas, including a new rescued fella, Stanley. So the overall count is 2 females and 8 males. Part of raising alpacas is making hay, maintaining our barn and other buildings, and all the other wonderful, rewarding work that goes with raising livestock.
I have taken up spinning as a hobby, since we raise alpacas and I have a continuous supply of fibre! They can grow it faster than I can spin it. I am really enjoying learning to spin and I’m just practicing and gradually getting better. I am now selling fleeces because I have so many!
I love to sing, and I am one of the organizers of my local Threshold Choir, singing for people who are nearing the threshold of life & death. We create beautiful harmonies in simple songs which bring peace and comfort to those we sing for.

I’m always writing — adding to the wisdom in the series of Tiny Books on Big Ideas, or blogging. I have 4 websites!
Adventures With Teresa (my original blog with posts going back to 2005!)
Flow North Paddling (website for York Boat Captain)
Love Your Skeletons (website for the book of the same name)
Volunteering at my Community Centre
I am the secretary of the board for the community centre in my area, and I am also the rental agent. These two jobs keep me very busy! We have many weddings and family reunions at our hall — every weekend all summer is booked up! — and we hold a big festival every June, the Rust Bucket Jamboree! I also do all the marketing and social media work too. I really believe in the importance of volunteering in one’s community, in whatever capacity makes sense and lets me use my skills and aptitudes.
Marketing and Selling Books
I’m marketing all my self-published works, which you can find out more about here, or go visit my store here. My latest book is Forging Sisterhood in the Frozen North, and it’s all about the Baffin 2019 Expedition. I’m currently working on creating a hardcover edition as well as a large print version of the book. View Photo Gallery
Living Simply
I am doing what I can to simply my life, not take on so many projects and keep my commitments to others to a minimum. I was pretty frazzled last winter and I want to avoid that in the future! I am also decluttering whenever I can.